Who we are

The Space and Nature Aruba Foundation (SNAF) is a non-profit group based on the Caribbean island Aruba which is located a few miles North of the coast of Venezuela. The SNA group is affiliated with Universe Awareness (UNAWE) which is an organization endorsed by UNESCO and the International Astronomical Union (IAU).

The SNAF Facebook page is used for day to day communication about local stargazing events, earth science/astronomy lectures and other general information that develops between the time of our regular meetings.

Our members come from a variety of backgrounds with a broad spectrum of many interests in astronomy, astrophotography, earth science, and other related areas.

As of 2019, SNAF forms part of the IAU network of recognized National Outreach Coordinators (NOC) for the island Aruba.  

Our goal

Our main goal is to bring astronomy and earth science to the public through education, research and enjoyable public events, and improve the status, understanding and enjoyment of amateur astronomy and earth science.

Astronomy workshop with scouts